
The Ten Commandments: A Guide to the Perfect Law of Liberty is unavailable, but you can change that!

Do You Believe? You know them. But do you understand them? The Ten Commandments have become so familiar to us that we don’t think about what they actually mean. They’ve been used by Christians throughout history as the basis for worship, confessions, prayer, even civil law. Are these ancient words still relevant for us today? Their outward simplicity hides their inward complexity. Jesus...

Has the church been right? Or is this an unfortunate old covenant residue that needs to be purged from the church? Read in canonical context, the Decalogue presents itself as a Christian text. To see how, we need to examine the text carefully. Scripture doesn’t use the phrase “Ten Commandments.” Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 record Yahweh’s “Ten Words” (Exod 34:28; Deut 4:13). These texts contain imperatives, but, like the rest of Torah, they include declarations, warnings, promises. That multiplicity
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